Monday 21 April 2008

You're so vain....

Everyone is vain to a certain extent: we make sure our hair is neat and that we dress presentably. But to what extent is vanity bad? Is it when we spend three hours perfecting our expensive hair style? Or is it when we resort to plastic surgery?
I personally have no problem if someone spends hours in front of the mirror. There is nothing wrong in looking after yourself and to feel confident in the way you look, whether it takes an hour or an entire morning. If anything, some level of pride is healthy as the person won’t suffer from negative unhealthy emotions such as discontent, anxiety which stems from low self-esteem.
However, vanity can lead to arrogance or egotism and I think that’s a form of being bad because it can lead to other bad behaviour such as bullying and snobbery. These types of behaviour are bad as it does harm to another person’s self worth and esteem.
I think the media’s obsession with vanity is quite cruel to those who don’t and never will reach the standards of those in the modelling or film industry. What’s more disgusting is that they increase people’s insecurities by airbrushing actresses and models to an oblivion, creating images of flawless perfection that hardly exists.
However, this could be seen as acceptable as the media only gives the public what they want. If there was an over-weight person on the front cover of a magazine, would people buy it? No, they won’t. So are we responsible for the stresses we are under with regards of being physically accepted? Or are the media’s obessesion with raising the stakes that makes people more anxious. Lets face it, vanity sells. If we were all taught to be content with ourselves and love our flaws then there would be no beauty industry. No-one will buy magazines because they wouldn’t have any interest new trends or the latest diet that will enable the reader to lose 5 pounds in two weeks. And there certainly would be no need for beauty products. Companies need to invent better and more effective makeup in order to keep their businesses running. So we end up rushing to the store to buy the latest mascara that make our lashes look like sky scrapers. So because of this, I guess vanity in this day and age has become publicly acceptable, despite how disgusting our obsession with it has become.


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