Friday 25 April 2008

Cults: faith or frivolous?

Cults have been causing a lot of controversy, not only for their ridiculous beliefs, but also for their money grabbing schemes. For example, the Church of Scientology have been receiving a lot of backlash from the media, courts and governmental bodies. It has been accused of exploiting its members and harrassing its critics (see second link). Not to mention, Scientologist follower Tom Cruise has been mocked by the media for his irrational behaviour, which then resulted in him being sacked by Paramount studios.

I found a website on cults (see first link), here are a few examples:
The Moonies
The Findhorn foundation
The exclusive Brethren
Chaos Magick
The Humanist Movement

Personally, I think some of beliefs of these cults are too extreme. For example, The exclusive brethren forbids television, radio and the internet. How these people pass their time, I will never know. I also feel that some of these cults contradict themselves, as they believe that spending money is evil, yet they are more than happy to give it to the person in charge.
However, isn’t it the individual’s choice to follow these faiths? I think if these people were forced into that cult, then it’s very wrong as everyone is entitled to make their own choices and decisions. But if the individual has chosen that faith to follow, then he or she has the right to practice that faith despite how controversial it is. If they want to pay large amounts of money to these faiths, then let them.
However, I feel cults such as Scientology are disgusting as they only make a mockery out of the term ‘religion’. Religion shouldn’t expect money from anyone. It should give guidance to its members and help them live a moral life. However, businesses such as Scientology that disguise themselves as religions are just as bad as scams as they are only there to exploit people into parting with large amounts of money. However, if the individual chooses to ignore accusations fired at these cults and want to spend that much money, that’s their choice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused as to how chaos magick falls under the "cult" heading...?