Friday 4 April 2008

Body Modifications

We discussed body modifications in the previous session. It was interesting, because I merely assumed that body modifications were tatoos, piercings and surgery. But apparently, there is a wide spectrum of modifications that we often over look because they are acceptable. For example, dieting, make-up, weight training, hair cutting/bleaching or dying. So to what extent are body modifcations unacceptable?

Personally, I feel that body modifications, despite how painful or bizzare they are, are acceptable, as long as it is the individual’s decision. Some people think tattoos look nice, others do it to get kicks from the pain, some do it in rebellion or even as a form of control of their own lives. What ever the reason, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, its fine.
However, in some countries, body modifications are imposed on the individual in order to gain control. For example, the rings that are worn by African tribes women are done in order for men to gain control. If a woman was found cheating on her husband, the ring would be removed, causing her neck to break as punishment. I feel examples such as these are unacceptable, as the individual has no choice in whether they want it done or not. This opinion can be considered ignorant because it is the African tribes’ way of life and I have no right to comment on that. But if that was the case, would we allow forced marriages in certain faiths, or even sacrifice in other more extreme cults? I’m very understanding of all faiths, cultures and traditions, but I do feel that some beliefs are very wrong and can lead people to becoming unhappy or even in danger. I believe everyone has the right to make their own decisions, be they right or wrong and shouldn’t be forced into anything.

Reasons why body modifications are considered deviant were also bought up in class. Tattoos are considered immoral in some religions such as Judiam, Christianity and Islam. They believe that modifiying the natural body that God has created is a sin. I understand that some religions put an emphasis on what God has created and having an appreiciation of that. However, God has also given us choice. I’m not saying that because of this, everything is acceptable because some things are immoral or wrong and can cause grief or pain on other people. In the case of the latter, yes, the individual should be punished to compensate for what they’ve done to the victim. However, tattoos cause no pain except for the individual who decides to have it done. And they choose to undergoe that pain.

Some people consider body modifications as wrong because they don’t fit in with society’s expectations or norms. For example, in the 1950s, tatoos were considered unfashionable. However, everyone has a different idea of what beauty is and what it isn’t and so amount of reprimandation or disapproval is going to change that. I feel that people are very stubborn of what they think is acceptable or attractive. I think because of this, some people feel like rebelling because they don’t want to look like a pattern free, scrawny celebrity. I’ll be honest, I find some body modifications unappealing such as tongue splitting, genitial piercing and tattooos literally covering every part of the body. But I wouldn’t show disgust to these people who choose to do it. At the end of the day, if they like it, they like it. But according to an article I found (check the link), some people have negative attitudes towards tatooed or pierced people because they under go pain and thus must be sadist, fetish or narsisistic. But as I believe, never judge a a book by its cover.

Another form of body modification we dicussed was surgery such as liposuction and breast enlargment. I remember discussing this with a college tutor and she said that people should apprieciate who they are as opposed to paying thousands of pounds for something so shallow. I think that if it makes the person's life better, then let them do it. That way, they won't feel the anger, discontent and anxiety that some people feel when they are dissatified with what they see in the mirror.


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