Thursday 1 May 2008

Liar Liar, Pants on fire!

I think everyone has lied in some form or another, be it a small lie or an enormous one. But I feel there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed when telling lies.
White lies are acceptable if you’re one of these people who are too kind to be brutally honest. Personally, if someone didn’t look their best and asked me what I thought, I’d be honest with them and give them constructive criticism. For example, “Yeah, I think you’re hair would look better if it was this way and so on”. This is because I think it’s cruel to let someone go out to be sniggered at and taken the mick out of by others. This way, I’m doing them a favour.

I’ll be honest; I’m not the most honest person on the planet (see the irony!).I do lie about little things. For example, when I go out and some guy I don’t fancy comes up to me and takes me for my number, I always make up something about having a boyfriend or being a traditional Hindu (meaning that I can’t date someone outside my caste). At the end of the day, I don’t know how secure the guy is and I’m not cruel enough to say that I wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole.
But I think lying in a relationship is very bad and something I would never do. For example, telling your partner that you’ll be working late when you’re really off to see your mistress. That’s abusing you’re partner’s trust in you and this often leads to them getting very hurt. I think lies that lead to someone getting hurt are unacceptable, whereas those that don’t aren’t. But then, some situations are very difficult to judge whether the lie is being told is good or bad.

I know someone who is Asian and is in a relationship with his White girlfriend. They have a daughter together. However, his mum doesn’t know about her. Now, many might automatically assume that this is out of order and is probably one of the worst lies anyone can tell. Especially to their own mother. The latter can be argued because it depends how close that person is to their mother. I know this friend isn’t close to their mum. He has described her as domineering and she has shown a lot of disgust towards him and his girlfriend because she doesn’t believe in multicultural relationships. I personally think the mum is in the wrong because she should accept that her son would be much happier with his girlfriend, instead of some random Asian girl. At the end of the day, being a good parent is about putting the child’s happiness first, not your own. Now, I’m not justifying my friend’s lie because it will lead to the daughter getting hurt if she found out that she was being kept a secret, which would lower her esteem. But I think it is the fear of how his mother would react to the news if he was to tell her that prevents him from being honest. I do think he should come clean, for the daughter's sake.

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