Tuesday 11 March 2008

Infidility in About Adam

Last week, I went to a friend’s house and watched ‘About Adam’, a romantic comedy written and directed by Gerard Stembridge and starring Kate Hudson and Stuart Townsend. It was a weird coinsidence as it relates to one of the topics in this module, infidility. But it was its strange ideas of the subject that struck me.
Basicly the films about a waitress who meets a handsome stranger. While seeing her, the guy seduces her two sisters, her brother and his girlfriend. Since it’s not worth watching, I won’t feel guilty in giving too much away, but heres the deeper stuff. The two sisters and the brother all have something lacking in their lives. The first sister wants a guy who shares her love of poetry. The second is in a humdrum marriage and wants excitement. The brother is sexually frustrated as his virgin girlfriend doesn’t want to do it. But when Adam starts an affair with all of them, they all find the contentment they want. The first sister has found a companion, the second sister has her excitement and the brother has a love life with his now non-virgin girlfriend.

Although they all got what they wanted, the fact that they had to get it from their sister’s boyfriend, seems disgusting to me. Very rarely would somone get away with sleeping with their best mate’s partner, let alone their siblings’. But I guess the message of the film was that as long as the cheated doesn’t know about it (which she doesn’t), then its OK. But what Stembridge has added to make the infidility more justifyable was Adam’s motives. At the end of the film, he confides in her married sister that all he wanted was to give everyone what they wanted and make them happy. Well, no selfish reasons there on the cheater’s part. But does it make it right? Or is it the risk that the cheated might find out that makes this sort of infidilty wrong?
I personally think that sleeping with your partner's brother/sister is chav territory. For me, trust and security in the family environment is very important and I think behaviour like this only shows disrespect to the sibling who has so much faith and trust in the person they grew up with. It doesn't matter how miserable or lonely your partner's brother or sister may feel, its the principle. The partner's siblings are a now go area.

For more info on the film, check:

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