Saturday 23 February 2008

Emotional Infidelity

I chose this media example of infidelity because it could be argued whether it was infidelity or not. In January 2006, Brad Pitt met Angelina Jolie on set of Mr and Mrs Smith and developed a close friendship with one another. This ultimately led to Pitt leaving wife Jennifer Aniston for Jolie, although couple assured the press that there was no sex involved while they were friends.
Emotional infidelity is an interesting one. We assume that since there’s no sex involved, it doesn’t classify as infidelity. But it tends to be more hurtful than a drunken one night stand your partner had with someone whose name they forgot. After a fling, they could still want to be with you and promise never to do it again. Now, I’m not justifying that type of infidelity as it’s just as hurtful as a meaningful affair. But what I’m saying is that emotional infidelity is often ignored, when in fact it’s much more painful because your partner can easily dump you for this “friend”. And watching your partner being with someone else and knowing that he/she prefers them to you is much more painful than the thought of him/her sleeping with a random stranger that he/she had no feelings for.
So what could be said in Pitt’s favour? It was rumoured that he wanted children, but Aniston wanted to concentrate on career. But Aniston stated in an interview with Vanity Fair, “I've never in my life said I don't want children. I did and I do and I will. I would never give up that experience for a career. I want to have it all."
When reading this quote, anyone would judge Brad as selfish to be so impatient to run off with Jolie who has kids and still wants them straight away. I can’t think of any other plausible reason for Pitt to cheat other than his biological clock, which at the age of 40 seems to die down as quick as a withering flower. It can also be argued that if Aniston wanted to save her marriage, she would have given Pitt a child and hire a nanny while she’s working on her career, since they can afford one. But having children without concern for their emotional upbringing would also be considered selfish. Surely the child would feel neglected if neither of their parents were around?
But if Aniston’s quote was untrue and Brad left because she didn’t want to have children, does it make the infidelity plausible? Leaving a relationship to have children can be considered selfish, but everyone enters a relationship for a reason, be it for start a family or just purely for companionship alone. If the needs of both partners aren’t met, there is no point in that relationship. But having said that, if communication was in the relationship, then maybe they would have realised how unsuitable they were for each other before the infidelity could happen. Of course hurt will be involved, but to a lesser degree as it doesn’t involve a third person. Obviously, when a third person comes into it, it will affect the cheated person’s self esteem, trust and confidence in future relationships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you when you say that emotional infidelity is much more hurtfull than a one night stand, however I think that it would have been more harmful if Pitt would have a long drawn out affair with Jolie and it would have been more embrassing for his wife as well. Also I think that children may have been a elememt for Pitt leaving his wife, but could it be taken into acount that Pitt while developing a friendship with Jolie that he fell out with his wife and in love Jolie. I believe that can happen in any relationship and I also believe that it is better for all parties for them to go sepreate ways than to have an affair which could last any amount of time.